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Tomura Shigaraki_v1.1

Tomura Shigaraki_v1.1

Tomura is a pale, skinny man. He has bluish-gray hair and red eyes. The skin around the eyes is very wrinkled, with a scar on the right and another on the left side of the lip. He also has a mole on the right under his lip, like his grandmother. However, in a villainous costume, his face is covered by a severed hand, which he calls "father" and expresses excitement and discontent when she is absent. Besides her, there are 13 other hands on his suit, to which Shigaraki does not express anything. The clothing consists of black pants, a black V-neck T-shirt and red sneakers.His civilian casual attire consists of a black hoodie over a regular outfit, with the hood up. In the pocket of the hoodie, he holds one of the severed hands (most likely "father")

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