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Ochako uraraka_v1

Ochako uraraka_v1

Ochako has shoulder-length brown hair and big round brown eyes. She has two long strands of hair in front, and a short bob haircut in the back. She has special pads on her fingertips, similar to animal paw pads, used to activate her quirk.
Her costume is form-fitting with separated sleeves, knee-high boots with heels, belt, helmet, collar and thick round bracelets with handles. Accessories are designed to tap her acupuncture points in order to reduce the disadvantage of her quirk.

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Для 1.8+

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  • Уровень 99
  • Стал Херобрином


МультимонстрNoob King (Король Нуб)JDH голубо-синийДжим ГокинсАмогусFDIHPO

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